Warehouse Hours
Monday – Thursday: 7am - 4:00pm
Friday: 7 am – 12:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Eastern Illinois Foodbank is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Report Totals Served

Non-commodity Eastern Illinois Foodbank agencies and programs can now report their totals online!

Please be sure to read through the reporting form carefully. Once your report is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your report. Even if you have not served any individuals or meals during the month, we still need you to submit a monthly service report. Simply record a zero in the corresponding field.

ON-SITE MEALS OR SNACKS REPORT:  If your program is on-site feeding program such as a daycare, residential program, shelter, snack, soup kitchen or supplemental program, click here to report your program’s meals served online.

SCHOOL MARKET PROGRAM REPORT: If you are a School Market Program, click here to report your program's individuals served online.

If you have questions, please contact Kelly Daly, kdaly(at)eifoodbank.org at 217-328-3663 ext. 213.


INDIVIDUALS SERVED/PANTRY SERVICE REPORT:  If your program is a pantry, distributing groceries for people to take home, click here to report your program’s individuals served online.